Monday, May 7, 2012

Summer "Vacation"

I think I decided just this very second that I'm going to make an honest attempt to blog or post something every day this summer. I've been told many a time before that journaling is really important, and can be really quite helpful in our walk with Christ. Well, I used to do it some, and then I would stop, and then I'd do it again, but I don't feel like I'm going anywhere.

So. My life is probably not going to be very interesting this summer, but it's okay because we'll just consider this my virtual journal. Maybe it won't be quite as personal as it would be if I were writing in a bound notebook, but it will be real, and it will be me.

I wanna spend some serious time with God, because right now I don't feel very much like our relationship is growing. I wanna write about it, too. I plan on spending many a day at the park, or (potentially) in my hammock, or at my best friend's house, or, God-willing, working somewhere doing something that I will be getting paid some money for.

Plus I think it'll be cool to look back in August and see what I was doing in the middle of May every day and see how much I wrote and what I wrote about and what I "sound" like when I write. I'm excited.

I want to read this summer, too. There are books which people keep recommending to me that I just want to read. Even though I don't like reading. But I think reading will convict me. And I need to be convicted. And I need to be broken down into my bare soul to become so vulnerable to everything that I let my heart absorb God and take on His persona to let Him work in my life, no resisting.

Ho, hum.  It's not quite summer yet, but today I passed my piano jury with an A-, took my multivariable calculus exam at 11:05, finished around 1:10, picked up my allergy shot serum, hung out with some dear friends, and spent a few hours with my mom packing up my dorm room and eating dinner and buying orange juice, Reese's cups, and oatmeal in bulk.  I am currently preparing my mind to FINALLY FINISH MY LAST ENGLISH PAPER EVER and then study for a theory exam I have in the morning.  I also need to write a letter.

Tomorrow is the last day of my first year of college, and it's weird. But I could not be more excited.

There will be more to say about that tomorrow. :-)

Sayonara, friends.  May this post find you well and rested and at peace with whatever God has put in your life today!

1 comment:

  1. Katie- I feel like I am in the same stage of life as you are right now- I am in my last days of my first year of college, but I'm not away at college like you are, I'm at a community college, but I'm pretty excited to be finished! I also feel like right now in my life my relationship with God isn't growing and I feel far from Him...and I want to get back to that close relationship. I like journaling as well, I don't do it often enough but I really enjoy looking back through what I wrote and I enjoy seeing what I was going through or experiencing by what I wrote. Very nice post Katie- I could associate with what you were writing!!
