Monday, May 21, 2012

Drills and Rain Clouds

Today was actually a pretty nice day. I woke up at 11:00 with a voicemail from a man who's going to give me an interview at a pool snack bar tomorrow morning! That was quite exciting, indeed! Now, I just need to nail it and get that job. All in a day's work.

It was a nice day to tan, so I did that and the backs of my legs are burnt. It's quite wonderful. The first burn of summer is always a good one. Haha I sound so weird! But I'm really okay with that.

All the while, I decided to pick up a book called Jesus for President which I started last summer but didn't make it very far. Let me just say that I couldn't put it down! This book is blowing me away. The only reason I stopped was because this giant drill started going right over the fence from my back yard and I couldn't focus. Plus I think if I had stayed outside any longer my legs would be too burnt for me to sit down!

So I continued reading on the couch. This book is completely everything I've been wrestling with and trying to figure out about politics in the church and how God handles it, or has handled it in the past. It's all very interesting stuff! What I've read so far went through a lot of the Old Testament (which Claborne refers to as the "Hebrew Scriptures" so as to not make them sound 'old' or outdated) explaining how God used people with nothing, people who typically had nothing to do with the kings or rulers or principalities of their land because they were just trying to get by. God had to come and save the land in which His people lived - the ones He called to become His children - the ones who were lowly to the world.

I cannot wait to finish reading!

I'm also in the midst of spring cleaning right now... I've been sneezing all day because there's so much dust everywhere, but I'm making a dent in the cleaning process, thankfully!

Oh and I keep forgetting to mention that one of my goals this summer is to play every single hymn in my new(ish) Worship Hymnal. I don't have the exact count as of today, but I'll let you all know tomorrow!

God is good, my friends. God is so good!

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