Monday, June 11, 2012

Just A Minute

I'm just gonna take a minute to write things I thank God for. I'm gonna set a timer for 60 seconds and just go. Because, how often do we spend just praising God and worshipping Him for all that He does, and all that He's done, and how AWESOME HE IS?!? We don't. And the truth is, when Jesus gave the disciples that model prayer, it's like 89% about giving God praise and adoration and honor and glory and declaring His wonderfulness among the nations and within our hearts, and 11% about US - what we want, what we need, what our friends need, what our family needs or wants, how we wanna change the world. So I'm just gonna focus on HIM for a minute.

the sun
the clouds
the sky
the earth
the Bible
the cross

Maybe I'll do this every time I blog - spend 60 seconds (or more, because that felt like not enough time to thank God) realizing all that God has blessed me with.

Also, my apologies for skimping out on a few days. I will also give a hymn number update soon. I believe I stopped last time somewhere around 481.

I watched Bun Heads tonight. It was really good and cute and SO MUCH like Gilmore Girls and I love it! Alexa and I started making signs for our Luke 18:22 yard sale which hopefully will be a big hit!

I spent time with my dear dear friend Chelsea yesterday. Talking to her somehow makes my day brighter. She's like a cute little ray of sunshine and Jesus, come to encourage me and make me laugh and hold me accountable for life. Which is great. And which I also need.

Oh, I got a Sunday morning piano job today! Which was exciting. It reminded me how God always provides even when we FORGET to do our part. Which also REMINDED ME to do my part now that I've been reminded and provided for and such. We really do serve an awesome God.

I'm almost done with Jesus For President. Seriously one of the best books I've read in a LONG time. I want to meet Shane Claiborne and shake his hand and say 'thank you'. Alexa and I have decided to follow Luke 14:13 and hold some sort of banquet at the church (with Rev's permission of course) and go out into the city and invite people we don't know who may not be as fortunate as we are. WE'RE GONNA SERVE LOTSA SPAGHETTI!!!

Also, I just decided that I'm going to end each post with the information for our yard sale, in case anyone is interested. (:

Luke 18:22 - "Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven."
Yard Sale - Saturday, July 14th 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.; 5124 Carter Grove Lane, Roanoke, VA 24012
Money made will ALL be donated to either The Rescue Mission, World Vision, Manna Ministries, or the church (or we will take suggestions for any other ministries). Left over items will be donated to both Good Will and Manna Ministries, and also kept to put in Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes this coming October/November. SO EVERYONE SHOULD COME! We're also gonna sell lemonade and some sort of tasty treat, and be playing awesome fun music the whole time!

God's grace and mercy be ever present in your lives, my friends.

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