Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Sorry. I've been skimping out on this daily blogging thing lately. I've just felt really uninspired, and also really super tired. But I do have a lot going on in my brain. I just can't articulate it all right now. But here's a glimpse:

Still reading Jesus For President and it's still an amazing book. It's making me want to completely re-do my life. Also, we continued the study of James tonight at Launch. Like I said, I've read James before, even memorized it once, but I still keep getting new stuff out of it! What's cool, though, is that what we talked about tonight at Launch only grew the seeds that have been planted in me earlier this summer! It's really cool. Like:

Eyes (lens) of grace, the poor will inherit the Kingdom of God, NOT showing favoritism.

Craziness. I'm just crazy. God is crazy. The Bible is crazy. Jesus is crazy. I want to be crazy FOR Jesus, in a way that's not so cool. But man. Really.

I'm blown away by the awesomeness that is our Creator.

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