Monday, April 16, 2012

neVer forgeT

We are Virginia Tech, and We Will Prevail.

April 20, 2007:

"Dear Fellow Members of the University Community:
I am very proud of the manner in which our faculty, staff, and students have united this week as a family. We have demonstrated that we are not going to allow the tragic events of this last week to divide or define us.
In this time of healing, it is important that we take care of one another, and together we can move forward to “Invent the Future.” Let us take a moment now to reflect on our Principles of Community—and reaffirm our commitment to strive to reject all forms of prejudice and discrimination in our community.
Together, we pledge our collective commitment to these principles in the spirit of our motto, Ut Prosim (That I May Serve).
We will prevail. . . we are Hokies!
Charles W. Steger

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