It's not about me; I guess it's not, huh.
I mean, it's not that I'm suddenly having this revelation because I've been overly selfish my whole life or anything, but I mean as humans we all have desires and wants that we misconstrue as being needs, and we put them above everything and everyone else. Lately I've been reflecting on how that ISN'T good.
Hear that? Yielding to your hearts desires isn't always a good thing.
It even tells us in the Bible, in Jeremiah, Matthew, Luke, etc., that the heart is deceitful and brings forth evil. It's where desires come from, and it's easily manipulated by the devil. Our minds have to over come it-mind over matter. With our minds we can think, make decisions; it's where we talk to God sometimes, and where we listen to Him (it's kind of in our heads a little bit), and through that we can over power our hearts by telling them that they can't always get what they want.
Is it hard?
But is it possible?
Of course-Philippians 4:13!
I've just been thinking about this a lot lately because things are happening in my life that are beyond my control-things in the youth group that I will soon no longer be a part of, things at school, things at home (typical chores, mom's rule, all that jazz), and other areas of my life. I try to put others before myself in every aspect of my life, but now that I'm not getting my way, I have to take a step back and do a little evaluating.
It's not about me.
Today I was talking to a friend of mine via social networking and we've been trying to plan an event where about 6 or 7 of us can all go. It hasn't quite been working the way we'd hoped. So, she suggested a potential solution tonight, and I wasn't thrilled with it, but I pretended like I was, but said she should ask the guys in charge about it. One agreed, one we haven't heard from.
I kept thinking to myself, "I don't want to do that. Gosh, I really don't want to do that."
DUDE?! WHAT THE HECK?! Who gave me the right to be so selfish? That's just silly.
In this time of reflection, I've realized that there's a lot more I can do to put others before myself. It's going to take A LOT of effort on my part to always be conscious of decisions that could possibly be detrimental to others, and to also be aware 24/7 of other people instead of myself.
There's a quote I heard on the radio once (the area Christian radio station) that being humble isn't thinking less of yourself, but that it's thinking of yourself less. I liked it. It really hit home with me, and I'd like to start living that way. I usually have the mindset of Katie Katie Katie, but God's pulling at my insides telling me to knock it off, and I've really got to listen.
It's not about me.
"He must increase, and i must decrease." -John 3:30
Song of the moment:
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