Sunday, December 9, 2012

So Here's What I've Noticed:

No matter how many times I say something to someone else, it never stops me from acting in a contradictory manner. 'Tis the nature of the circle of life/humans though I suppose.

I've also noticed that finals suck a lot, and that even though I am very much aware and hopeful that my GPA does not determine my salvation, I still feel quite overwhelmed with school.

So I'm praying for peace and joy, and I'm also rejoicing in my Hope!

Despite the fact that I have a total of 11 finals, 4 Christmas parties, 1 baby-sitting gig, and 1 performance, not to mention 3 more days of classes, studying, homework, studying, forgetting to eat, studying, drinking too much caffeine, studying, getting distracted by facebook and Youtube videos, studying, OH AND MORE STUDYING, I think that I am joyful. More so than I ever have been during this time of the semester.

So God is good, basically. Like I legitimately have no adequate words to describe how good He is, but I can tell you that I do not measure up and am so unworthy of His love. And goodness gracious, I am SO thankful that Jesus interceded for me so I could be freed from the bondage of sin that separates me from God.

And when you think about it, that's all that really matters.

A lot of people (myself included) miss the point of salvation. We do tend to get wrapped up in the world, don't we? Especially this time of the year. 'Tis the season, indeed.

As for me, "I celebrate the day that You were born to die so I could one day pray for You to save my life."

Hallelujah, Amen.


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