"I believe that Christ was necessary to bridge the gap from the Creator to the creation that we might know the only worthy Thing in the Universe."
Now this is cool. I never thought of it that way before, but it's really accurate (at least as far as what I believe). However it's not entirely relevant to my post (though at some point I may try to make it be. Hehe).
Well yesterday I had a really cool experience when I was walking back to campus from the Math Empo. i tend to do that often, especially when it's nice outside and I have my iPod (which I always do).
Yesterday was beautiful in terms of all the colors and serenity of the scenery and the weather and the skies and mountains and trees and everything, and I just couldn't help but stand in awe of God's creation. It was seriously breath-taking.
I was listening to my normal album designated for going to and from the empo (Forget and Not Slow Down by Relient K, of course), but I just got so excited about how awesome God was that I had to put on something else. Something that focused my mind on Him and not just songs I liked a lot. I put on Sing, Sing, Sing by Chris Tomlin and did something I never would have ever expected myself to do (as an introverted, shy, publicly reserved person): I started singing, OUT LOUD, as I'm walking down the street by myself in the middle of God's beautiful world. Then I started dancing. Like, what the heck? I don't do things like that. But I was passing people and they were kind of looking at me funny, one guy on a bike actually started laughing and then had to stop when he passed me. I got a kick out of that.
But it was as if I had finally grasped the concept that I can be undignified for Christ! Such an awesome feeling, seriously.
I don't know, at this point I'm just speechless. God's too awesome to put in words, and I guess that's why I had the sudden urge just to sing and dance to praise Him for His goodness and power.
I believe that He made everything, and He can do everything, and He makes all things work together for good to those who love Him. (Romans 8:28)
Well, life's good, because God's good. And I love the fact that God is good, because it means that I get to serve a Creator, Father, Master, who is fair and just and loving and caring, and who would do so much as to let His Son die for me. For me! And for you, and you ,and you, to save the whole world. I'm so thankful and humbled. Glory to God!
Song: Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) by Chris Tomlin
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