As promised, I am finally getting around to a blog post (this is mostly for you, Corina). ;)
It's been 3 whole whopping weeks since I've moved into college, and I'm slowly reaching the point where it's becoming less like summer camp and more like home. This is where I live. This is where I eat and sleep and do homework and facebook and tweet and shower (or not) and do laundry and wash dishes and play piano and go to church.
This is where I live.
I have discovered quite a number of things after living here for approximately 21 days:
1. I like muffins and coffee.
2. I don't like interacting with random people in the bathroom.
3. I don't like being cold when I pee. Or at all.
4. Taking naps at 2 in the afternoon is basically the greatest thing ever.
5. Caffeine has lodged itself into my central nervous system.
6. Philosophy is not a fun class.
7. I don't like having to wear shoes to the bathroom or in the shower.
8. Having to walk to a separate building just to practice the piano is a hassle.
9. Music Majors are some of the funniest people ever (We haven't learned rests yet!).
10. Math Majors are some of the weirdest people ever.
11. I've yet to break my addiction to minesweeper.
12. Skype is one of the world's greatest inventions.
13. I like wearing pants (that one's for you, Emily).
Clearly I've learned more than that, but those are some of your basics.
Having to establish a whole new life is very interesting and quite hectic. It's definitely an adjustment. I think one of the hardest things for me so far is trying to do everything for God's glory. He obviously has a reason for exactly where I am right now, and I get that, I just wish I could focus on it and be conscious of it all the time so I could live for Him better. It's as if I don't trust Him to have control over my life or something. I can do things my own way, but when it doesn't work ask Him for help.
Oh wait, it doesn't work that way!
God is the center. When you allow Him to be the center of all you do/say/think/feel/experience He puts everything else into place. I've been trying to hone in on that and build a stronger relationship with God and surrender myself so that He can form that relationship with me.
In college, life's a whole new playing field, and God is the only constant we have to hold on to.
I've started to realize that not even my nearest and dearest friends are going to be around forever. Correction: I always knew that, but now I'm experiencing it and I've accepted it. God is using all of my friends for His purpose, and that doesn't necessarily include my friendship.
It's cool, though. I'm liking this whole college thing. On Fridays, my classes end before lunch. Basically my weekend starts at 12:05, and it's awesome!
Also, I just took my first exam, and it was very interesting. I didn't think it was very difficult, but the time restraint was different because in high school a class period was an hour and a half, and now classes are 50 minutes, so that's as long as I had to take my test. Everyone else in my class said they didn't finish and that it was hard, so I feel even more confident that I did well because I finished (5 minutes) early and answered each question with almost complete certainty. So Theory's good.
I've adjusted to the school work, but now I'm second guessing whether or not I've adjusted emotionally. Coming to terms with the fact that Virginia Tech is my home now is difficult. It wasn't hard at all until I came home this weekend. I was excited to see everyone I'd "left behind" and it was a very happy experience! But then when I left it was like I was instantly depressed and I didn't want to go back to college. The people I couldn't wait to see are the ones I'm going to miss all over again when I go back. I've been told it's the hardest the first time, and I believe that. It also doesn't help that, well, I'm a girl... Yeah.
I guess if you're taking the time to read this, I would ask that you pray for me. But more that I will pray for God's will to be done in my life. Pray that I'm happy, successful, diligent, safe, healthy, but above all else, if my definitions of these things are not part of His plan, that His will be done above all else.
I'd like to be able to accept my new "home".
Song of the Moment: "This Is Home" by Switchfoot
Disclaimer: I realize this post is not entirely cohesive. That is entirely my fault for writing it in 3 different pieces. A lot's happened in the past 4 days. Regardless: lots of love, always!
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